I mentioned during my introduction talk a number of initiatives that the new committee will be undertaking this year, briefly they are:
· Holding 4 quarterly meetings approximately every 3 months, the next being Monday 11th January 2010…. We hope you can make it.
· Organisation of a guest speaker for each meeting
· We intend to hold some kind of bi-annual social type function. This is to help develop the community networking aspect of knowing who we are and information communication amongst the residents. I personally know lots of the residents because of my daily marathon walking but not all can have that luxury so this may be the next best thing. The first event is a sausage sizzle type of thing in River Downs Park at Condamine Cres. scheduled for noon Sunday on the 13th December. The committee will try to secure donations of the goodies from Woolies or Coles…hopefully, and any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
· We intend to create a web page/blog; this will enable residents to view newsletters, security advice and other
announcements more promptly and also enable resident communication to the community through the committee members. (please see the November newsletter for an update on our website).
· We have also commenced collecting residents email addresses etc. We will keep these secure and only use them in communicating important materials and information. Typically this may be when a resident’s property has been unlawfully accessed or there has been a suspicious event occur. Past experience in the area indicates when one home is violated then over a short period of time a few more also become affected. Therefore if the committee is able to get early warning of an event it can broadcast a warning to all networked residents advising them to take extra precautions.
Please consider forwarding your details to the committee through myself on riverdownsnhw@email.com
The NHW committee looks forward to meeting socially with residents on the 13th December at the park in Condamine Cres. Don’t forget your chairs, drinks and shade.
21 October 2009
John Dignam