February Update

CCTV Update 

The committee is currently in the process of obtaining quotes for the installation of a CCTV security camera system with number plate recognition software at the entry to our estate. The response to the idea at our last meeting and informal discussions with residents since have been very encouraging.

It is our intention that the system will be installed and maintained long term in a manner that will act as a genuine deterrent to anybody intending to enter River Downs for the wrong reasons. Coomera police see no issue in River Downs undertaking this venture, they say it is not uncommon in upmarket and or secured residential areas.

At our next meeting on April 20th we will be presenting 3 quotes for the system along with detailed information on how it will operate and the estimated cost to each household. We will then hold a vote on the proposal and decide whether or not to proceed.

Changing of the guard, but full steam ahead

It was with regret the NHW committee accepted the resignation of Area Coordinator John Dignam. You will all agree that John has injected a new life into our NHW in the few short months of his tenure. In order that these great gains are not lost the committee will continue to collectively and enthusiastically maintain the momentum we have achieved. The entire committee would like to sincerely thank John for his service and wish him the very best. In the interim Daniela Hardwick will assist in the role of Area Coordinator together with Brett Oakley as Deputy AC, Ralph Luck as Secretary and Wendy Harris as newsletter and website editor.

Best advertising deal out for only $50.00 per annum
  • Advertising of your business (up to business card size - maximum) in each issue of the River Downs NHW newsletter.
  • Advertising on the River Downs NHW website
Please note: Design to be supplied by you in collaboration with newsletter editor. Your design can be in colour (for newsletter editions and advertising uploaded on the NHW website) however newsletters will be printed in black and white so please take this into consideration.

The deadline to submit your payment and advertisement for our next NHW newsletter is Monday 15th March .

Please contact us at: riverdownsnhw@email.com for easy payment options or if you have any queries.

2010 COMMUNITY EVENT - Date Claimer

***SUNDAY 30th MAY FROM 12pm***
BBQ volunteers needed & welcome…..
Please contact riverdownsnhw@email.com