Pictures from NHW BBQ in the Park

Christmas BBQ in the park

The River Downs Neighbourhood Watch executive wish to thank all of the residents that made the effort in attending the residents get together Sunday 13th December.

It was great success, new contacts and friendships were established and old ones renewed, which of course was one of the prime objectives of the event.

Your committee are already planning the next event which will be somewhere around the month of May, this event is likely to be a car boot sale/bbq.

These photo's are from our Sunday get together. I think I can say the event was a great success, with people
coming and going throughout the afternoon.

And the final count including children was 83 attendees, very good indeed. The final group of residents arrived at around 5pm and we cleared the park just prior to 6pm, a huge day!!

Left over bits....I have 1 x Directors chair and 1 x green sun hat, these items were left in the park and can be retrieved by contacting

Finally, I would like to thank the committee members for putting in their free time and other contributions, the volunteer cooks, the little name sticker helpers and of course all the residents who attended and supported their Neighbourhood Watch group in making the day a huge success.

John Dignam
Area Coordinator
River Downs Neighbourhood Watch